Flower Festival & National Florist Championship of Croatia - Report from Split

Gepubliceerd op 25 April 2024

On March 19 and 20, 2024 the State Florist Championship of the Croatian Trade and Crafts Chamber was held in Diocletian's Cellars in Split. The event included educational workshops by foreign experts from France, Poland and Slovakia, attended by several dozen Croatian florists, as well as a panel discussion on the need for professional development as part of which was attended by renowned Croatian florists and Simon Ogrizek, President of FLORINT.

The co-organizer of the event is the Association of Craftsmen of the City of Split and everything happened within their renowned manifestation of the 47th Flower Festival.

The participants competed in four categories – Fantasy in the Renaissance "garden", Bouquet for Judita, Table for two and Wedding bouquet. Magdalena Kahlina, a craftswoman from Zabok, is the overall winner of the Croatian chamber of trades and crafts Florist National Championship and will represent Croatia at the World Cup in Floral Art to take place in The Hague in Aug 2025.

President of the Croatian Chamber Dalibor Kratohvil awarded prizes to the winners: "I am proud that we organized the national competition and gave you a platform to show your exceptional skills and talent. Such events are of immense importance for the promotion of the profession to new generations. In the coming years we will continue to insist on holding these traditional events that promote beauty, talent, skill and craftsmanship."

Florint: "Croatian florists are eager for knowledge and are distinguished by the high quality of their work"

Additional professional legitimacy to this event has traditionally been given for years by the participation of Simon Ogrizek, president of Florint, who participated in the judging and educational workshops, but also in the discussion about the education of florists where he emphasized the importance of training and education for the growth and development of every top florist.

"I must say that during all these years, Croatian florists have shown a desire for learning and acquiring new knowledge, and they are also distinguished by the fact that they pay attention to details. The results of this competition, the works of florists, are proof of that. Everything we see in Diocletian's cellars is at a high European level and of high quality of workmanship", emphasized the president of the international organization of florists”.

The President of the Florist Section of the Croatian Chamber of Crafts, Edita Merćep, pointed out that this competition provides a unique opportunity for florists to highlight their skills and show what they know.

These are arrangements made by the Croatian florists under the supervision of a Spanish master, Alex Segura.